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Reggio Emilia
A New Way to Learn

What is Reggio Emilia
The Reggio Emilia teaching philosophy was created in a town called Reggio Emilia in Italy. Instead of following a standard curriculum, Reggio allows the teacher to be more of a guide steering the children's interests and responses into learning opportunities. This inspires creative thinking and a passion for learning. This approach also regards the environment as the "Third Teacher". This means our environment both inside the daycare and in the outside learning area are specifically curated to encourage inspiration and developmental learning.
The 4 Principals of Reggio
Emergent Curriculum
A classroom’s curriculum stems from the particular interests of children. Curriculum topics and special projects are derived from talking with children and their families, as well as from things that are known to be interesting to children. Teachers take notes and observe to decide which projects would be best suited to children in their classes, what materials will be needed, and how they can encourage parents and the community to become involved.
The 100 Languages of Children
The Reggio Emilia approach calls for the presentation of new ideas and concepts in multiple forms, such as print, art, drama, music, puppetry, and so on. They also use different materials, textures, and media to present these concepts. This helps children express themselves in many ways (The 100 languages of children). Varied presentations ensure that all children have the chance to understand and connect with the concepts being explored.
These projects are thorough studies of concepts and ideas based on the information gathered about children’s interests. Projects are often introduced to children as adventures, and can last anywhere from a week or two to the entire school year. Teachers act as advisors on these projects, helping children decide in which direction they would like to take their research, how they can represent what they learn, and what materials would be best suited for their representations.
The idea of team work is essential to further a child’s cognitive development. Groups are encouraged to work together to problem-solve using dialogue, comparisons, negotiations, and other important interpersonal skills. Each child’s voice is heard in order to promote a balance between a sense of belonging to the group and a sense of self.
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